Georgia has some of the best quarterbacks in the country. Just two weeks ago, Tom Lemming from CBS Sports came into Georgia raving about how Georgia’s signal callers are some of the best. The “Da Bomb Award” honors the top gunslinger who made the most impressive deep pass during last season. After reviewing film and submissions, here are our top six deep passes from the 2015 season (Watch 1 min YouTube video above).
Winner of the “Da Bomb” will make our Top Play Video on NSD.
Cast your Vote below now! Voting ends this Sunday 1/24 at 9 PM (vote up to 25 times!):
[yop_poll id=”11″]
Who had the best throw? Be sure to make a comment below!
Way to keep the play alive and to end the half with a score is HUGE
nice scramble
lookout! duck! spin! hail mary! oh crap! throw the ball long! ah….touchdown…..nothin to it!
Great play Marcus!
Awesome throw by Marcus!
Love the Spears family!!!!
Way to go, Marcus!!
marcus is the goat hands down
Marcus spears is #1,. Forget Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton wote Marcus spears up to 25 times
Marcus Spears!!!! Remember that name folks. Future NFL star
Great play Marcus Spears!
Marcus spears is da bombbbb
Way to go Marcus Spears! You got my votes!