Powerhouse Lineman Power Cleans 400 Lbs

Anthony Ransey
, a 6’1″, 329-pound lineman for Fitzgerald High School, threw down a 400-pound power clean today like it was nothing. The big lineman has been working hard this offseason and has made significant improvements.

The rising senior broke his own school record today of 360 pounds but told Recruit Georgia he is not finished. “I could’ve done a little bit more but no more weight would fit on the bar.” Simply amazing when you take in account that he is only 17-years old.

All spring we have seen videos of players power cleaning, the best lift for a football player, but Ransey is the first to do 400. That’s including college players, as well.

Ransey was a starter last season at nose tackle last season for state runner-up Fitzgerald. He moves extremely well, and as you would imagine, he is extremely hard to block at the high school level. The rising senior will be more explosive from last season’s film, which was really impressive (see down below).



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