Richardson is an aggressive nickle for Burke County. He does a nice job of getting inside of the receiver to break up the pass. The senior uses his hands well to throw the receiver off his route. Very good acceleration and like how quick is his feet are settling into a tackle attempt. Very quick and choppy, plus a good tackler in space who wraps up consistently. Richardson hustles his tail off making tackles way down field. His good top end speed on top of his solid frame suggests that Richardson is pretty under recruited at the moment. We would like to see him more in coverage of course, as a lot of his film is playing off the edge. But even then, Richardson is very affective at tackling in space and utilizes his excellent top end speed to get into the backfield fast. He is very effective against the run and does an excellent job of using his hands to get off blocks. A little more polish with his coverage skills, and we really think Richardson could pop off on team’s radars. Considering his excellent grades too, Richardson deserves more looks.