WT: 170
GPA: 2.8
Class: 2018
Shuttle: 4.34
Vertical: 36″
Squat: 475
Bench: 235
Power Clean: 265
What makes you stand out as a future collegiate athlete?
First and foremost I'm an all out athlete I can play almost every skilled position I started long snapper great return specialist and I played all over the special teams bored I have great effort and hustle!!
Price plays with a ton of energy and we really like his ability to attack in the backfield. He is very quick and makes really good breaks on the pass. Size does little to daunt the rising SR and he went up against some very powerful receivers and made plays. After his impressive JR year, we can see colleges becoming increasingly interested, especially when they take note who he is making these plays against. Unfortunately, Price suffered an ACL tear in the spring game, and has not been able to camp this summer which has bogged down his recruitment, but we feel his JR film shows enough that colleges should continue to recruit him and test his knee out later this year.